Summary of iiSBE CEO Mr. Nils Larsson's Visit
Author: webmaster Published:2013-11-13 Read: 1552 reads
歡迎iiSBE總執行長Nils Larsson來訪紀要

Resized Image  自祐生對外發表GB+Symbiosis=SB的共生化理念後,國際間對於台灣推動永續環境的努力與前瞻性的思維都給予極高的評價。繼參與iiSBE年度理事會議暨SB13國際會議後,iiSBE總執行長Mr. Nils Larsson特於2013年10月2日至6日再次造訪台灣,以瞭解並協助輔導高雄市政府推動之高雄厝永續綠建築計畫。
  After the announcement of the idea "GB + Symbiosis = SB" by Archilife, Taiwan has been highly applauded by the international community in its effort and far-vision on sustainable environment. It was followed by the participation of AGM of iiSBE and SB13 Graz. The CEO of iiSBE, Mr. Nils Larsson, visited Taiwan again from October 2 to 6, 2013 to understand and assist the advocacy of Kaohsiung City Government in the sustainable green building plan of the Kaohsiung house.

Resized Image  2013年10月6日中午,身兼社團法人台灣永續建築環境促進會顧問的黃晉英秘書長及現任理事長蘇慶華教授特別協同王文安先生、周伯丞先生、張桂鳳小姐、鍾政勳先生、李彥頤先生、湯淑貞小姐、劉定衢先生、林玉茹小姐及社團法人台灣永續建築環境促進會會員蕭睿麟先生與郭怡君小姐等人,於台北喜來登大飯店 17樓請客樓萬壽廳設宴歡迎Mr. Nils Larsson來台。
  On October 6, 2013, Secretary General Huang, the advisor to TSSBE and Professor Su Ching-hua, the President to TSSBE, in the company of Mr. Wang Wen-an, Mr. Chou Po-cheng, Miss Chang Kuei-feng, Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin, Mr. Li Yen-yi, Miss Tang Shu-chen, Mr. Liu Ding-Chyu, Miss Lin Yu-ru, and members of TSSBE, Mr. Hsiao Ruey-lin and Miss Kuo Yi-chun, held a reception luncheon on the 17th floor of the Taipei Sheraton Hotel at noon for receiving Mr. Nils Larsson.

Resized Image  席間,大家與這位自2002年來一路相知相惜的國際友人親切地閒話家常並進一步切磋永續發展領域之相關議題,Mr. Nils Larsson對於台灣推動高雄厝永續綠建築成果表示非常肯定,並期盼iiSBE研發與推廣之永續建築評估系統能夠因地制宜地轉換應用於台灣地區,協助高雄厝綠建築設計案可以具體提出環境負荷量、能資源消耗量、室內環境品質、建築設備服務系統效率等的達成率與明確地節能數據。午宴結束時,黃秘書長也精心準備前往參加SB13 Graz於維也納購買百水山莊畫家的小禮物,讓Mr. Nils Larsson對台灣濃濃的人情味留下了深刻的印象,最後在賓主盡歡的合影留念下結束午宴。
Resized Image  Mr. Nils Larsson has been a good friend of Taiwan since 2002. They engaged in a heated discussion on the domain of sustainable development during the luncheon. Mr. Nils Larsson highly praised the result of the green building plan by Kaohsiung City Government of the Kaohsiung house, and hoped the sustainable building evaluation system researched, developed, and promoted by iiSBE could be applicable to Taiwan thereby can contribute to the Kaohsiung house green building plan with substantive presentation of the attainment level in system efficiency of environmental loading capacity, energy and resource consumption volume, interior environment quality, building equipment and service system with precise quantified energy efficient data. At the conclusion of the luncheon, Secretary General Huang presented a small gift, the work of painter near BAD BLUMAU, which she bought in Vienna when participating the SB13 Graz not long ago. This move deeply impressed Mr. Nils Larsson on the friendliness of Taiwan. All in the luncheon enjoyed the gathering to the entirety and took pictures together.

Resized Image  同日下午,黃秘書長特別指示周伯丞先生、張桂鳳小姐以及郭怡君小姐陪同Mr. Nils Larsson前往參觀「台北國際花卉博覽館-新生公園區夢想館、未來館」之台灣綠建築鑽石級案例,該案例即為2011年台灣參與SB Challenge之參展作品,經由SB Tool評估後,將成果發表於SB11 Helsinki國際會議,成為該活動的亮點之一。
  In the afternoon, Secretary General Huang specifically instructed Mr. Chou Po-cheng, Miss Chang Kuei-feng and Kuo Yi-chun to acompany Mr. Nils Larsson in visiting the "International Floral Expo Taipei - the Pavilion of Dreams, and Pavilion of Future at Hsin Sheng Park", which are examples of the Diamond Class green building in Taiwan. These two projects have been presented to the SB Challenge in 2011 for representing Taiwan. After the evaluation of SB Tool, the result was announced in SB11 Helsinki, which made it one attraction in the event.

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