Special Session, SB2002, Oslo, Norway
A New Sustainable Approach

By means of international trade, every country produces their special products and promote them to the whole world. It leads the constructions of the whole world to...
Student Session, SB05Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Symbiotic Civilization

"Symbiotic civilization" is based on agriculture, to reduce human interference with Nature, let Nature regain its vitality. Then, it can slow down the climatic eruption...
Unit 8, SB05Tokyo, Tokyo
iiSBE Annual Meeting, Prague, Czech Republic
Plenary Session IV, SB2007 Taipei, R.O.C.
Truth about Climate Change

The data from the ice core of the Antarctica shows that, until the recent 400-500 thousand years, there has been a periodic rise and fall in the temperature of the atmosphere...
Student Session, SB08Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Symbiosis & Beyond

Symbiosis means biological mutualism. Through the long term research of Archilife Research Foundation, we discovered it's the key point that human will use it to deal...
Special Forum, SB08Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
SB-Report in Taiwan Area

In order to create a self-sufficient lifestyle, we have four components to form a recycling life, including the vertical planting systems, the nucleic acid meal, the cleaning and the compost...
Poster Session, SASBE2012, São Paulo, Brazil
Before Forever; After Tomorrow

In view of the IPCC's inadequate assumption that cannot explain the occurred phenomena, we are forced to use our own ways in parallel to the IPCC research for a series of studies. In 2004, we began to explore the possible causes of climate change. ...