Sketch of Public Policy Communion, March 2024

Date:  2024-04-17
Section: Activity
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  The March Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2024 was held on March 17, 2024. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "According to the most recent report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) headquarters in Washington, DC, U.S.A., the Taiwan Strait crisis is escalating. Because Taiwan is located in a strategic location, experts from both the United States and Taiwan believe that if Taiwan is invaded or sealed off, the United States will intervene. Furthermore, the government supports "indigenous national defense" demonstrating its national defense autonomy. Meanwhile, the Red Sea Crisis, Korean Peninsula issues, Russia-Ukraine War, China-Philippines South China Sea dispute and a number of other conflicts have wreaked havoc and caused unrest around the world. We would like to remind everyone to seek the truth behind these issues rather than being perplexed by the external circumstances. At the same time, at such a crucial juncture, matters of any kind should be cautiously examined layer by layer in order to proceed in the right direction!"

  Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Wang Min-chou presented a speech on the "Green 30: Moving Towards the David Tunnel". The speaker first stated that, after traveling around Taiwan, enhancing the view of urban green competitiveness to Kaohsiung's promotion of sustainable buildings and the environment is both a duty and a mission. The Takao Green Association for Ecology and Humane Studies was founded in 1995, and it played an important role in facilitating Weiwuying's reconstruction into a park. After persuading then County Magistrate Yu Chen Yueh-ying and coordinating many sides, the "green dream" was realized, with a civil appeal as the starting point. The "David Tunnel" will connect Tu?-pi-oo (Chengcing Lake) and Weiwuying, creating an international-standard park and near-zero green corridor demonstration site. At the end, the speaker said emotionally that everyone assumes different responsibilities. As a mutual encouragement to all, Archilife takes a more comprehensive approach to sustainable development, much like moving forward on a giant's shoulders.

  Next, Ms. Yu Hsiu-yun spoke on "Declining Birthrates and Manpower Resources". The speaker first explained that all examinations have affiliated agencies for handling. For example, education entrance examinations are overseen by the Ministry of Education, financial license examinations by the Financial Supervisory Committee, and national exams, which were introduced this year, are overseen by the Ministry of Examination. Those interested in learning more about national examination topics can visit the Ministry of Examination's website. Take special note of the new examination procedures. The speaker stated that since the number of civil servant examination applicants has decreased in recent years, as has the number of fresh graduate applicants, the Ministry of Examination has reviewed the number of subjects included in exams, implemented multiple assessments, and adopted the reserved civil service system, as well as advocacy in colleges and universities. Furthermore, due to the impact of declining birth rates on recruitment in colleges and universities, the Ministry of Education intends to expand the strategy for retaining international students and overseas Chinese students who come to Taiwan in employment, and attract foreign professionals. It is hoped that the labor force can be expanded, thereby stabilizing the national development momentum.

  Next, Mr. Wu Gan-li spoke on "Changes in Urban Development and Landscape Pattern". The speaker began by pointing out from aerial photos of Kinmen's landscape that in terms of the landscape pattern formed by the waters, green corridors, and patches, scientific analysis and monitoring approaches have been used to determine the pros and cons of whether a city is healthy, serving as references for decision-makers. According to the speaker, changes in landscape patterns can be analyzed using satellite images and a geographic information system. Currently, specific clusters in Kinmen are frequently observed. It is possible that the patch area, landscape pattern fragmentation level, and increased landscape perforation will gradually spread to other areas in the future, which is concerning. As a result, scientific data such as rising global temperatures, decreased green land per capita, and so on have been proposed in an attempt to compel everyone to take this issue seriously.

  After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The March Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.
This article comes from Archilife Research Foundation

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