Sponsorship of Open Culture Foundation and MOPCON 2021Date: 2021-09-10 Section: Sponsorships | 在本會探究未來的趨勢預測中,資訊科技與數位化的發展對未來生活模式將有舉足輕重的影響,因此本會自2011年起開始贊助國內大型開源論壇,希望透過實質參與相關活動,對此領域的知識分享與人才培育做出貢獻。 In ARF's forecast of future trends, development of digitalization and information technology is predicted to have critical impact on the way of living in the future. Thus, ARF has begun sponsoring large-scale open source forums in Taiwan since 2011 in the hope of contributing to knowledge sharing and talent cultivation in the industry through actual participation in related events. 自2017年起,本會也與開放文化基金會進行合作,以聯合統籌贊助的方式持續投入資訊領域,支持受疫情影響而臨時轉為線上舉辦的2021年度COSCUP及SITCON論壇活動。開放文化基金會專注於在台灣推廣開源軟體、開放資料、開放政府三個主要領域的發展,期能對本會之贊助資源做更有效的利用。 Since 2017, ARF has been cooperating with the Open Culture Foundation (OCF), continuously investing in the IT industry by jointly organizing sponsorships to support COSCUP and SITCOM, which were both abruptly converted to online events due to the impact of the pandemic. The OCF is focused on three main areas of development in Taiwan, i.e. open software, open information and open government. It is hoped that the OCF will utilize the ARF's sponsored resources effectively. 原本固定於高雄舉辦的MOPCON行動科技年會同樣轉為線上進行,順應疫情趨勢將主題訂為Mobile與人工智慧物聯網AIoT的結合,以推廣在打破距離限制之後的新興科技應用。 MOPCON, which had been an annual event in Kaohsiung, was also brought online. Moreover, in line with the pandemic, the theme for the conference was the "combination of mobile and AIoT", promoting the application of emerging technologies that bridge physical distance.