Participation in Tokyo Game Show 2018

Date:  2018-10-20
Section: Exchanges
  東京電玩展Tokyo Game Show做為亞洲區歷史最悠久的國際遊戲展會,即便在今年甚少有全新技術與平台發布的狀況下,仍達到接近30萬的總參觀人數,創下歷年來最高紀錄,由此可見數位內容產業整體來說,仍是以內容與軟體為重。
  Tokyo Game Show (TGS) is the longest running international game exhibition in Asia. Despite the release of few new technologies and platforms this year, it still attracted close to 300,000 visitors, breaking its own record. Thus, it can be seen that content and software remain the focus of the overall digital content industry. 
  2008年起在東京電玩展所舉辦的Sense of Wonder Night發表活動,自去年與TGS Indie Corner合併報名後,其意義上已轉變為獨立遊戲展示區的競賽評選,但整體來看今年Indie Corner,參展團隊不論在總數、規模大小差異、成熟度等方面均有提升,現場人潮亦較往年為多。今年台灣在此出展的獨立團隊,也有不少獲得現場觀眾與媒體的好評。
  TGS began holding “Sense of Wonder Night” since 2008. Starting last year, applications for Sense of Wonder Night and TGS Indie Corner have been accepted together, turning both events into a selection process for its Indie Game Area. In general, the number, size and maturity of participating teams have improved this year, and there were also bigger crowds than last year. Furthermore, independent teams from Taiwan have received favorable reviews from the audience and media present.
  In the past few years, virtual reality games have declined in popularity and there was a significant decrease in the number of exhibitors of such games this year. However, it was a pleasant surprise to see the commercialization of volumetric display, a VR related technology which was previously only seen in science fiction movies. We hope the above information will help to provide more diverse opinions for game developers in Taiwan.
This article comes from Archilife Research Foundation

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