Sketch of Public Policy Communion, January 2018Date: 2018-02-10 Section: Activity | ![Original Image](/htdocs/annual/2018/activities/2018_3_1_201801_web01.jpg) 本會已於2018年1月14日假台北喜來登大飯店地下二樓壽廳舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。在主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目過後,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「近日天氣嚴寒,董事長指示讀書會暫停兩次,這是提醒大家隨時注意溫差的變化,要做因應。而全球暖化使得氣溫上升,將水氣往上推移,空氣中缺少水分當介質,白天陽光直射熱氣到地面。到了晚上太陽下山,空氣中沒有水分當介質,使得熱能無法保持住,因而造成劇烈溫差。所以,溼度中的水分介質,是造成溫差很重要的關鍵因子。另外,數位化做為支付工具使得網路經濟崛起,造成碳排放量有增無減。因此,祐生恩梯特組與生活特組相互扣連,期望透過生活模態的轉變,使能因應未來的挑戰。」 The January Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2018 was held on January 14, 2018. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "In light of the recent cold weather, the President has instructed to suspend the Wormhole Bookish Assembly twice, thus we hereby remind people to observe fluctuations in temperature and prepare accordingly. Global warming causes an increase in temperature and forces atmospheric moisture to rise; since there is less moisture in the air, direct exposure to sunlight in the day, coupled with heat loss during the night, results in drastic temperature fluctuations. Consequently, moisture in humidity is a key factor in creating temperature fluctuations. In addition, digitization as a form of payment instrument has fostered the emergence of the online economy, causing increased carbon emissions, therefore Archilife NT Special Team and Living Special Team have worked closely, hoping to respond to future challenges by transforming people's lifestyle."
緊接著進行專題演講,由國政會委員張震鐘先生主講「文化資產的創意再生」。主講人首先提到文化資產的經營權屬及收費有許多方式,包括企業認養。主講人接著舉出德國的工業遺址再生為娛樂場所及維也納瓦斯槽改造成住宅之案例,充滿創意且保留原始文化資產價值。另外,臺北市都市更新處於2010年開啟了URS推動計畫,將文化創意的種子埋進老舊街廓中。最後,主講人表示文化資產類別眾多,期望透過創意達成轉變,使其空間重新活化。 Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Chang Chen-chung gave a presentation on "Creative rebirth of cultural heritage". The speaker first elaborated on the numerous approaches to the management right and charge of cultural heritage, including corporate adoption. Next, the speaker presented case studies involving the revitalization of an old industrial site in Germany, transforming it into an amusement venue, as well as the Gasometer housing project in Vienna that reconstructed abandoned gas tanks into residences. The projects emanate creativity and have preserved the value of cultural heritages. Furthermore, the Taipei City Urban Regeneration Office launched the URS (Urban Regeneration Station) program in 2010 to sow the seeds of cultural creativity into the old streets. Lastly, the speaker indicated that there is an abundant collection of cultural heritages that need to be revitalized through creative transformation.
接著由國政會委員邵文政先生主講「2018綠建材研究與產業發展趨勢」。主講人首先提到為避免毒性物質因材料的使用進入環境中,成為病態建築影響人體健康,故進行綠建材健康環境研究。目前由財團法人台灣建築中心推動之綠建材標章,重點在於後市場查核機制,嚴格管理以維繫標章公信力。另外,為降低裝修糾紛的發生,訂定「綠裝修認證制度」,控制施作工法、裝修建材與空氣品質檢驗等檢核流程與規範。最後,主講人表示未來將研擬「健康住宅」九大建築指標與規劃設計標準。 Next, Mr. Shao Wen-cheng, spoke on "Green construction material research and industry development trend in 2018". The speaker first mentioned that, in order to avoid toxic substances from entering the environment due to the application of materials, the green construction material and healthy environment study was conducted. Currently, the green construction label launched by Taiwan Architecture & Building Center focuses on the aftermarket inspection mechanism to rigorously uphold the credibility of the label through stringent management. Moreover, in order to minimize construction related disputes, the "Green construction certification system" was formulated to control regulations related to the aspects such as construction environment, green construction, construction material and air quality inspection. Lastly, the speaker commented that the 9 major building indicators and planning and design standards of "Healthy residences" will be formulated in the future.
接著由國政會委員戴永禔先生主講「低碳社區與低碳永續家園」。主講人首先說明低碳永續家園評等認證機制,為透過評等由下而上拓展成低碳永續生活圈。桃園市政府環保局遂推動低碳環保鄰里計畫,透過委員審查評選後,輔導團隊協助調整鄰里計畫內容,核定補助。而計畫期程較短促,且輔導團隊報酬過低,可能導致無後續專業支援。最後,主講人表示在十幾年前提到綠色矽島的理念後,從未停止實踐,期望能從永續校園開始,逐漸含蓋各個層面。 Next, Mr. Tai Yung-ti, spoke on "Low carbon community and low carbon, sustainable home". The speaker first explained the mechanism of low carbon sustainable home certification, as well as the bottom-up expansion into a low carbon sustainable living circle. In an effort to promote the low carbon eco-friendly neighborhood program, the Department of Environmental Protection, Taoyuan convened a selection committee meeting to let the advisory team help various applicants adjust their neighborhood programs and have their budgets approved. However, due to the short-term nature of the program and low remuneration received by the advisory team, subsequent professional support may not be available. Lastly, the speaker suggested that since the Green Silicon Island concept was mentioned over a decade ago, every effort has been made to help achieve the ambition. It is hoped that starting from sustainable schools, the concept can be expanded to every facet of life in a progressive manner.
演講完畢,黃晉英秘書長代表基金會致贈謝禮予主講人。難得桑思特組成員參加本次聯誼會,特別拍照留念。接著在與會者紛紛利用「餵豬時間」提出個人意見與看法互相交流後,圓滿地結束一月份國政聯誼會。 After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Given that members of the SONGS Team made a rare appearance at this meeting, participants had a group picture with them. Then, attendees expressed their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The January Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.