Sketch of Public Policy Communion, June 2017Date: 2017-07-16 Section: Activity | 本會已於2017年6月18日假晶華酒店地下三樓晶英會舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。在主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目過後,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「近日暴雨侵襲台灣各地,祐生恩梯特組亦持續針對氣候異變課題進行研究。林俊興董事長特別提醒大家「觀察」氣候的變化,於個人、社會與國家各層級都應研擬調適策略。另外,本次參與「WSBE17 Hong Kong」國際會議,會前雖遇許多突發狀況,但在與會成員的共同努力下,用台灣名義與會並圓滿的達成任務,將台灣在永續發展領域的成果向世界發表。最後,感謝大家在行前給予溫暖的提示與祝福,期待未來能有更多的機會凝聚共識,朝著祐生的理念邁進。」接著介紹新任知識執守者,分別為化學執守者歐人豪及遊藝執守者曾品璇小姐。 The June Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2017 was held on June 18, 2017. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "Recently, heavy rain hit various parts of Taiwan, and Archilife Research Foundation NT Special Team has also continued to research the issue of climate change. Chairman Lin Chun-Hsing reminded everyone to "observe" the climate change and formulate coping strategies at personal, social and national levels. In addition, in view of the participation in "WSBE17 Hong Kong" International Conference, despite the unexpected situations prior to the conference, the task was successfully completed with the efforts of the members present. Finally, I would like to extend gratitude to everyone for their warm reminders and blessings prior to the trip, and I look forward to more opportunities to gather consensus and head towards Archilife's ideology." Later on, the two new knowledge keepers took turns to introduce themselves to the members. 緊接著進行專題演講,由國政會委員孫大倫先生主講「性別主流化」。主講人首先說明性別平等是指男女平等的權利、責任和機會,同時認識到不同群體的多樣性。接著提到行政院性別平等處的推動工作,並表示目前人口結構為男多女少,而39歲以下女性具高等教育程度比率,高於同年齡層男性,但女性勞動參與率與薪資仍較低,在人身安全方面,性侵害犯罪及性騷擾中被害人多為女性。將上述數據進行分析,研擬施行方案計劃及編列預算,並進行影響評估,使我國邁向多元尊重之幸福社會。 Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Sun Ta-lun, presented a speech on the "Gender Mainstreaming". He first explained that gender equality refers to equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities between men and women, while recognizing the diversity of different groups. He then mentioned the important gender quality promotion works undertaken by the Gender Equality Diversion, Executive Yuan, stating the current population structure of "men outnumbering women" and the tertiary education rate of women aged below 39 being higher than that of men in the same age bracket, although women's labor participation rate remained lower than their salary. In terms of personal safety, victims of sexual assault and sexual harassment are usually women. The above data were analyzed to develop implementation plans and allocate budgets, while an impact assessment was conducted to ensure our country heads toward a happy society that respects diversity. 接著由國政會委員陳志誠先生主講「彰化縣鹿江國中小校舍新建案審查心得分享」。主講人首先說明彰化縣鹿江國中小校舍新建案,因基地位置鄰近鹿港小鎮,故以鹿港建築傳統原型為出發點,因應氣候環境及使用需求,展現新地域風貌。主講人佐以圖片指出設計的內庭具有休憩、成果展演的功能性,廊道則串連了教學空間。最後,主講人表示在查核過程中,皆提出善意的建議及良性的輔導,唯感受公部門給予建築師時間太少,為應付行政程序及枝微末節之處而壓縮設計的能量,頗令人惋惜。 Next, Mr. Chen Chih-chen, spoke on "Sharing of Changhua County Lujiang Elementary and Junior High School New School Premise Construction Review Feedback". The lecturer first explained the said new school premises construction case. Since the base is located near Lukang Town, the traditional prototype buildings in Lukang served as the starting point in response to climate and use needs, showing the new geographical style. The lecturer supplemented pictures and pointed out the court design with leisure and result performance functions, while the corridor connected the teaching space. Finally, the speaker said that, in the course of the process, good advice and counseling to be provided. However, the public sector, clearly, gives too little time to architects. It is a pity that the design momentum is compressed only to accommodate administrative procedures and details. 接著由國政會委員林芳銘先生主講「住宅性能評估實施辦法簡介」。主講人首先表示在住宅法中即明定中央主管機關應訂定住宅性能評估制度,以提升住宅安全品質。住宅性能評估為具體化、量化的非強制性法令,依八大性能類別評估,分別為結構安全、防火安全、無障礙環境、空氣環境、光環境、音環境、節能省水及住宅維護。主講人表示可以預見未來申請住宅性能評估將為建商的趨勢,以公正客觀的評定標準使得住宅品質更加公開透明,提供消費者參考指標。 Next, Mr. Lin Fang-ming, spoke on "The Introduction of Regulations of Grading Housing Performance". He first said the Housing Act clearly stipulates that central competent authorities shall establish a residential performance evaluation system in order to enhance residential safety and quality. Residential performance assessment is a specific and quantitative non-mandatory regulation. The assessment is based on eight performance categories, including structural safety, fire safety, accessibility, air environment, light environment, sound environments, energy saving, and housing maintenance. The lecturer said that the foreseeable future applications of residential performance assessments will take into account the constructors' trend to ensure more open and transparent residential quality using fair and objective assessment criteria, providing consumers with reference indicators. 演講完畢,黃晉英秘書長代表基金會致贈謝禮予主講人。接著在與會者紛紛利用「餵豬時間」提出個人意見與看法互相交流後,圓滿地結束六月份國政聯誼會。 After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The June Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.