Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, October 2016

Date:  2016-11-19
Section: Activity
Original Image  10月份見識之旅活動,於2016年10月1日由呂明澐小姐帶領21位祐生見習生及家長們,進行官田菱角水雉共生暨磚窯手做體驗之旅。出發當日天氣晴朗,見習生們及其家長準時集合並出發。活動開始之初,領隊呂明澐小姐提醒本次活動注意事項及觀察重點,先行建立見習生的背景知識。
  For the tour of October 1, 2016, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 21 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to learn about the symbiotic relationship between water caltrops and jacanas, and bricking-making, in Guantian. It was sunny on the day of tour, and the interns and their parents were on time for the departure. At the start of the day's activities, team leader Ms. Lu Ming-yun reminded everyone about things to note and what to observe, and gave the interns some background knowledge.
Original Image  本次上午行程參訪位於台南市官田區的水雉生態教育園區,官田復育區是由高鐵贊助成立,台南市政府農業處接手管理後,正式更名為官田水雉生態教育園區,逐步朝向生態教育與觀光的步伐邁進,園區內不但有豐富水生植物,更有許多水鳥的生態。  
  In the morning, they visited the Guantian Jacana Eco-educational Nature Park in Guantian District, Tainan City. Originally established under the auspices of the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation, the Guantian Ecological Restoration District was taken over by the Tainan City Government Agriculture Bureau and officially renamed Guantian Jacana Eco-educational Nature Park with the purpose of developing ecological education and tourism. In addition to a diverse array of aquatic plants, many species of water birds are also found in the park.
  The tour began with the tour guide introducing the park as a habitat for repopulating jacanas. He also gave a detailed introduction to many floras and faunas in the park, especially the ecology of water caltrops, which grow in abundance in autumn, and the water caltrop birds-jacanas. Next, everyone went to the bird-watching area to observe the habits and habitat of jacanas through telescopes and their own binoculars. Everyone was thrilled to witness jacanas hopping on the water caltrop plants to navigate across the pond.
Original Image  中午離開水雉生態教育園區後,眾人來到官田區公所旁的簡報室,由官田區公所區長誠摯地接待歡迎後,午餐品嚐菱角豬腳湯及炒米粉等。飯後由區長及成大化學系林弘萍教授介紹菱角生物炭的特點與優點之簡報,接著眾人隨區公所人員步行前往官田國中,實地架設燒製菱角炭的裝置,並在燒製菱角炭的同時,利用熱能煮蛋及菱角。
  After leaving the Guantian Jacana Eco-educational Nature Park at noon, everyone went to the briefing room adjacent to the Guantian District Office where they were warmly welcomed by the director of Guantian District Office and savored water caltrop and pork trotter soup with fried rice vermicelli for lunch. After lunch, the director and Professor Lin Hung-ping from National Cheng Kung University's department of Chemistry introduced the characteristics and advantages of water caltrop biochar. Next, everyone followed the district office personnel to Guan Tian Junior High School where they set up equipment to burn water caltrop shells to make biochar. While burning the water caltrop shells, the heat produced was also used to cook eggs and water caltrops.
Original Image  緊接著至一旁進行結合菱角炭的手作土磚體驗,在專任老師的指導下,見習生們一步步製做屬於自己的土磚,玩得不亦樂乎。整個行程導覽體驗豐富,透過導覽老師的熱情講解也更添趣味性。至此,本日活動已近尾聲,大家一起合照留念後各自返家,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。
  The activity that followed was a lesson on making bricks with the biochar. Under the instructor's guidance, the interns had fun creating their very own handmade bricks. The entire tour was not only enriching but also incredibly interesting because of the tour guide's passion to convey their knowledge. At this point, the day's itinerary came to an end. Everyone returned to home after taking a group photo and looked forward to the next study tour.
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