Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, August 2016

Date:  2016-09-16
Section: Activity
Original Image  8月份見識之旅活動,於2016年8月6日由呂明澐小姐帶領23位祐生見習生及家長們,進行三義火炎山生態教育暨通霄石虎田插秧體驗之旅。出發當日天氣晴朗,見習生們及其家長準時集合並出發。活動開始之初,領隊呂明澐小姐提醒本次活動注意事項及觀察重點,先行建立見習生的背景知識。
  For the tour of August 6, 2016, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 23 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to learn about Huoyanshan ecology in Sanyi and experience rice planting in the Tongxiao Leopard Cat Paddy Field. It was sunny on the day of tour, and the interns and their parents were on time for the departure. At the start of the day's activities, team leader Ms. Lu Ming-yun reminded everyone about things to note and what to observe, and gave the interns some background knowledge.
Original Image  本次上午行程參訪位於苗栗縣三義鄉的火炎山生態教育館與天空步道,苗栗火炎山為台灣南、北氣候的分水嶺,經大安溪溪水的切割、侵蝕等作用,形成特殊的地形景觀。行程一開始即觀看火炎山地區地形形成影片,其中針對較細部的專有名詞進行介紹,接著播放石虎的復育紀錄片,隨後由從事石虎復育研究的導覽老師進行多年的研究分享,過程生動有趣,且透過大量照片來讓見習生認識石虎復育所遭遇的困難,眾人皆聽得津津有味。
  The tour began with a visit to Huoyanshan Forest Ecology Museum and Skywalk in Sanyi Township, Miaoli County. Miaoli's Huoyanshan is the watershed between Taiwan's southern and northern climates. Cut and eroded by the flow of Daan River, it has formed a unique geomorphic landscape.The itinerary began with viewing a film on the formation of the Huoyanshan mountain region, including an introduction of terminology used, and then a documentary film on the repopulation of the leopard cats, followed by the tour guide sharing his years of experience in studying the repopulation of leopard cats. The interesting presentation, enhanced with many vivid photos of difficulties encountered in the leopard cat repopulation, had everyone captivated.
  The tour ended with the museum guide explaining the habits and habitat of the leopard cats with the aid of display boards. After leaving the museum, the tour guide also brought everyone to Miaoli's Skywalk to search for traces of leopard cats. Even though the search was futile, everyone enjoyed the splendid scenery of the little town of Tongxiao.
Original Image  午餐來到楓樹社區,品嚐在地農村佳餚,享用石虎米、石虎雞、純天然蜂蜜等當地特色合菜。飯後則由蜂農介紹蜜蜂的社會組織與特性。接著,導覽老師帶領大家到楓樹社區後山蒐集石虎蹤跡的定點相機照片,雖沒有捕捉到石虎身影,但有其他的動物經過相機並留下影像,也是一大驚喜收穫,隨後,實際進行插秧體驗,因見習生很少有機會接觸到插秧與農田,故玩得不亦樂乎。
  Lunch was farmhouse dishes in Fengshu community cooked with locally grown rice, chicken and natural honey. After lunch, the bee farmer explained the social organization and characteristics of bees. Next, the tour guide brought everyone to a mountain in Fengshu community where a camera mounted to a fixed point was placed. Even though the camera did not manage to capture any image of leopard cats, everyone was thrilled to find photos of other animals passing by the camera. Afterwards, the interns also had great fun planting rice, which was something they would normally not have the chance to experience.
  The tour ended with the tour guide introducing the ecology of leopard cats and history of Fengshu community through a series of photographs. The visual aids helped everyone understand the relationship between leopard cats, locally grown rice and local people, and how this relationship nurtures a friendly environment. Not only was the itinerary and hands-on experience enriching, the tour guide and farm owner's enthusiasm and humor also enliven the activities. At this point, the day's itinerary came to an end. Everyone returned to home after taking a group photo and looked forward to the next study tour.
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