Archilife Research Foundation Convention 2016

Date:  2016-02-25
Section: Activity
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  The Archilife Research Foundation Convention 2016 was held at the Grand Hyatt Taipei on January 23, 2016. The guests successively signed in at the reception desk and began to be acquainted with others in the event before the meeting, then Secretary General Huang Chin-ying announced the grand opening of the annual congress. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying said in her speech that in the annual conference a decade ago, President Lin Chun-shin have proclaimed the threats potentially brewing from the worldwide climate change. Since then, Archilife Research Foundation set up several teams and began a series of studies on the disasters ensuing climate change. We are aware that sustainable future is possible only if we overcome the problems brought by climate change. Following the opening speech, Professor Su Ching-hua gave us a short speech. He commended Archilife Research Foundation for its continuous efforts in developing young talents and encouraged Archilife members to make the right decisions and take actions at the right time.

Original Image  致辭結束,即放映本會2015年度業務執行報告短片,將本會一年以來的各項活動做一精要呈現,使與會者更加了解祐生各項會務推動的概況。接著,放映2016祐生線上博覽會作品,充分呈現出祐生成員們對於「護祐生命」觀點的實踐。緊接著由林俊興董事長進行年度宣告,董事長表示:「經過多年的努力祐生已獲得關鍵性的研究成果,因此從今爾後大家可以更有自信而不用再謙卑,過去落後西方國家甚遠,至今已然追平,尤其在氣候變遷的議題上祐生已經有所突破。最後語重心長提醒大家在面對氣候變遷,務必「保守、保守、再保守」。祐生的能量尚未充分發揮,現在,請跟隨下世代的腳步繼續向前邁進。」
Original Image  After the speech, a video annual report for 2015 was played, which presented the activities in the past year. Then, the 2016 Archilife Online Exposition followed suit to present how Archilife members realize the foundation's motto: benefit life. Next, President Lin Chun-shin presented the annual declaration: "After years of hard work, Archilife has achieved substantially in the key studies. From now, we shall be confident because we have caught up with the western countries. Especially, in the subjects of climate change, Archilife has had several breakthroughs. Finally, I would like to remind you to be careful, cautious and prudent when dealing with issues of climate change. Archilife's energy has not been fully released. Now, let's follow the footsteps of our young generation and keep moving forward."

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Original Image  在董事長年度宣告結束後,接著由接續世代林容生先生進行祐生接續世代展望報告,首先講述2014年於美國參與遊戲開發者大會時,於活動展示區中接觸到一款設計有關兩岸情勢關係的遊戲,此時也正逢「服貿協議」事件,對此內心產生衝擊而記憶猶新。如何在向外發展時,使年輕人是「走出去」,而不是「出走去」,這是各個領域都會面臨的課題。這幾年運作社群以及與國外團體交流時,都會關切台灣的身分定位。這個世代,台灣希望在世界上如何被看見,請大家在各自的領域用自己一點一滴的影響力做出改變,一起共勉之。
Original Image  The declaration ended, Mr. Lin Rung-sheng took the floor to give a report on the Future of the NewGeneration. He began his speech from his experience of the game developer conference in 2014. He saw a game in the exhibition area designed with scenarios of cross-strait relationships. It was the time of the "Service Trade Dispute", so the game hit me with a vivid impression. When we think of developing worldwide, the young people should be "adventuring out", not "running away". This is an issue confronting all industries in Taiwan. In these few years, we are often confronted with the issue of Taiwan's identity when we tried to engage Taiwan's social groups with foreign organizations. How does Taiwan want to be seen in the world? I call on you, the people of my generation, to bring changes with your power to influence in your world.

Original Image  祐生成員們藉此機會齊聚一堂,熱鬧非凡,在黃晉英秘書長感性地做結語後,2016年會就在與會來賓對祐生各項活動的認同及喝采聲中圓滿結束。
  Members of Archilife took this opportunity to gather for the annual reunion and enjoy a fun party with each other. After the conclusion made by Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, the Archilife Research Foundation Convention 2016 was successfully closed in recognition of the invited guests on Archilife's efforts and the joyful sounds of cheers.
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