Sketch of Public Policy Communion, September 2015Date: 2015-10-25 Section: Activity | 本會已於2015年9月20日假台北喜來登大飯店地下二樓喜廳舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。在主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目過後,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「在氣候異變的威脅下,台灣近來面臨嚴重暴雨侵襲,進而出現土石流、大樓漏水以及外牆剝落等危及人身安全的問題,提醒祐生成員多加注意。另外,登革熱肆虐與戰爭難民之問題,顯見末代四騎士已然降臨,此時我們更應收斂自己,以簡約生活對應。另外,祐生希望能創造新的共生文明以通過未來的考驗,所以新成立「K2特組」,探討人類於地球2.0可居之模型建立,期望能結合大家的力量,共同探討人類未來走向。」 The September Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2015 was held on September 20, 2015. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "Threatened by climate change, Taiwan has recently been hit by torrential rain which has caused different personal safety problems, such as debris flow, leakage, and building exterior wall peel-off. Together with the widespread of dengue fever and war refugee problem, it is obvious that the four horsemen of the Apocalypse have come. At this moment, we should restrain ourselves more and respond to these situations with a simple life. In addition, to create an innovative symbiotic civilization to go through the future test, Archilife has established the new "K2 Special Team" to investigate the establishment of the livable model Earth 2.0, so as to find out the future direction of humankind through concerted efforts."
緊接著進行專題演講,由國政會委員蔡耀賢先生主講「東海大學路思義教堂熱環境調查與改善之研究」。主講人首先介紹東海大學路思義教堂的結構與設計,係由四片菱形外牆、底部基座與東西向兩片無隔熱效果之輕玻璃所組成。接著,主講人提到原設計玻璃是使用隔熱玻璃,與目前的玻璃不同,因此希望可以修復原設計玻璃並加強導熱的性能,使自然通風與空調可同時運用,並利用建築造成熱浮力拉升之原理,教堂頂部會產生負壓帶此特性,於頂部設計一個洞口,使其產生良好的抽風效果,設立一個非常有效率的換氣系統。 Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Tsai Yao-hsien, a member of the Public Policy Committee, presented a speech on the "Environmental Investigation and Improvement of the Luce Memorial Chapel in Tunghai University". First, Tsai introduced the chapel's structure and design, which consists of four diamond-shaped exterior walls, a foundation, and two pieces of east-west radiative light glass. Tsai also mentioned that it uses heat-insulation glass in the original design, which is different from the glass used today. He thus hoped that the owner could recover the original design and enhance the heat radiation to enable natural wind and air-conditioning work together. In addition, as thermal buoyance will generate negative pressure on the chapel roof, a hole was designed there to enhance air exchange to establish a very efficient ventilation system.
接著由國政會委員吳郁娟小姐主講「氣候變遷下的永續環境展演案例」。主講人首先表示本次介紹的兩個案例是在氣候變遷的意識下,期望能達成永續理念的環境展演。其一為新竹燈會之「台達永續之環」展演活動,此次展演打破燈會一次性使用產生浪費的疑慮,創造再生與永續的環境。展覽所使用的建材包括投影布幕、鋼構與竹子,均在燈會活動結束後百分之百回收,不僅將投影布幕製作為環保袋,更將鋼構與竹子贈送給需要的團體。接著主講人介紹另一個參與的「水逐跡」展覽活動,此活動依照慣例,在策展前做好完善規劃,後續將展覽建材永續利用,並希望透過此活動喚起大眾注意水資源的議題與節水的重要性。 Next, Ms. Wu Yu-chuan, a member of the Public Policy Committee, spoke on "Cases of Sustainable Environment in Climate Change". First, Wu introduced two cases on achieving environmental sustainability under climate change awareness. One was the "Ring of Celestial Bliss" of Delta Electronics at Hsinchu Lantern Festival. It was the first exhibit to revolutionize one-time exhibits. That is, all materials of the Ring are recyclable for reuse to achieve environmental sustainability. For example, the cloth screen, steel structure, and bamboo of the Ring were completely recycled after the festival. Then, Wu introduced another case: Water for Run and Run for Water. As usual, construction materials of the event were recycled afterwards, hoping to draw the public's attention to the importance of water resources and the need for water conservancy.
演講完畢,黃晉英秘書長代表基金會致贈謝禮予主講人。接著在與會者紛紛利用「餵豬時間」提出個人意見與看法互相交流後,圓滿地結束九月份國政聯誼會。 After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The September Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.