2015 Summer Living Experience Camp

Date:  2015-08-27
Section: Exchanges
Original Image  2015暑假生活體驗營於7月20日至7月24日舉行,為期五天四夜,共計16位見習生參與。本次活動以木工創作、生活應用與自我防護為營隊主軸進行。在木工創作部分,特別邀請台南家具產業博物館講師-黃瑩娥小姐、郭素如小姐主講,兩位講師為館內魯班學堂之木工班成員。在「魯班小學堂一、二」中,講師首先講解木材的特性及分別於生活上的應用,接著實際以兩種不同的榫接工法進行木製椅子教學,引導見習生親手刨製台灣檜木筷與體驗白花木盆栽座鑽孔,再藉由磨砂紙的操作過程讓自身的木工作品更加光滑,最後於作品上電燒,發揮創意製做出獨一無二的特色小家具。
  The 2015 Summer Living Experience Camp was held from July 20 to 24 for five days four nights with the participation of 16 interns. The Camp was organized around the themes – woodwork creation, everyday applications and self-defense. For woodwork creation, Ms. Huang Ying-er and Ms. Kuo Su-ju, both members of the woodwork school at the Furniture Manufacturing Museum in Tainan were invited to conduct a workshop. They began with explanation of the properties of wood and their respective applications in everyday life, followed by hands-on experience of constructing a wooden chair using two different mortise-and-tenon techniques. The interns also shaved Taiwan cypress to make wooden chopsticks and drilled holes in sepetir plant pot base, and learned to polish their works with sandpaper to get a more refined texture. At the end of the course, the interns even burned designs into the wood to create unique little furniture.

Original Image  在生活應用與自我防護方面,包含由呂明澐小姐主講的「食來運轉」課程,透過簡易食材的搭配與烹煮,見習生共同煮出義大利麵醬汁與麵條、「食破天驚」則透過備料與食材的拌炒,煮出炒米粉,兩日午餐皆為見習生自製;在「天造地設」中,張瑜峻先生以紙黏土模擬地形,再結合紅墨水,加入不同量的小蘇打粉與白醋進行火山噴發的岩漿走向實驗;莊鎮豪先生帶來「眾星拱月」,介紹地球自轉與月亮盈缺的關係,並讓眾人透過天文望遠鏡觀察夏季耀眼的星空;林怡萱小姐所帶來的「乾脆俐落」,則帶領見習生藉由不同的食譜以分工的方式烘焙出司康、蔥燒餅、餅乾與Pizza;「防範未然」中,黃冠為先生首先帶領見習生進行傳接籃球,傳授遇到歹徒時如何自我防衛,並教導於運動傷害時自行進行緊急處理;最後,由湯淑貞小姐帶來「天壤之別」,與見習生一同調配出有益微生物培養及植物病蟲害防治的EM菌實作。
  For everyday applications, Ms. Lu Ming-yun made pasta and sauce with the interns using simple ingredients, and they also fried rice vermicelli with ingredients they prepared themselves. In fact, the interns were in charge of making lunch for two days. In other activities, Mr. Chang Yu-chun guided the interns in the science experiment to simulate volcano eruption using paper clay to create the volcanic terrain, and red ink, baking soda and white vinegar. Mr. Chuang Chen-hao explained the orbit of the Earth, and the waxing and waning of the moon, and everyone used the telescope to observe the starry summer night sky. Ms. Lin Yi-hsuen assigned different tasks to each interns and led them in baking scones, scallion flatbreads, cookies and pizzas using various recipes. Ms. Tang Shu-chen and the interns cultivated probiotics with health benefits and effective microorganisms for pest and disease control in plants. In the self-defense aspect of the Camp, Mr. Huang Kuan-wei went through some basketball passing drills with the interns, and taught them how to defend themselves when encountering an attack and emergency first-aid for sports injury.

Original Image  課程間的空檔亦由隊輔帶領進行團體活動,每日亦準備好玩又有趣的早操;而在第二天及第四天晚上,見習生皆參與「蟲洞讀書會」,透過網路視訊連線,見習生彷彿置身於現場,聆聽報告人為大家介紹的書籍。在活動最後一天,小隊輔們針對各見習生學習測驗單的評量分數,以及課堂作業、房務整潔進行觀察評分,最後選出三位得分最高的見習生,進行表揚並頒發獎品以資鼓勵,並依序頒贈紀念品予各見習生們,期望他們能在本次體驗營留下寶貴的知識與美好的回憶。最後,在眾人互相珍重道別後,依依不捨地結束本次的暑假生活體驗營活動,並期待下回的生活體驗營再相見。
  A series of group activities was also organized during the breaks between courses. There were fun and interesting exercises every morning. On the second and fourth evening, interns participated in the "Wormhole Bookish Assembly". Not only were there live reports by knowledge keepers, the interns also listened to book reports through videoconferencing. On the last day of the activity, the counselors graded each intern based on their test scores, class assignments and tidiness of their rooms. Finally, three interns with the highest scores were awarded prizes as encouragement and acknowledgement of their performance, and the other interns also received souvenirs. It is hoped that they will bring home valuable knowledge and wonderful memories of the Camp. Finally, everyone bid farewell to each other and looking forward to the next Camp.
This article comes from Archilife Research Foundation

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