Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, September 2015

Date:  2015-10-14
Section: Activity
Original Image  9月份見識之旅活動,於2015年9月12日由呂明澐小姐帶領20位祐生見習生及其家長們,進行內門水泉農場一日農夫體驗之旅。活動開始之初,領隊呂明澐小姐提醒本次活動注意事項及觀察重點,先行建立見習生的背景知識。
  For the tour of September 12, 2015, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 20 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to Shuichuan Farm in Neimen, Kaohsiung, to experience being a farmer for a day. At the start of the day's activities, team leader Ms. Lu Ming-yun reminded everyone about things to note and what to observe, and gave the interns some background knowledge.

Original Image  本日行程以高雄內門水泉農場為主軸進行參訪,水泉農場原以經營休閒農場為主要服務項目,位處綠意盎然的山林,提供民眾良好的休閒娛樂及露營環境,但在98年的八八風災重創之下,讓多年的辛苦耕耘瞬間瓦解,經過高雄市政府的輔導,逐漸成功轉型為有機農業。行程一開始,由農場主人以介紹萬步雞為導覽重點,除了介紹雞的自然生長環境與如何調配出天然營養的雞飼料外,亦教導眾人如何從雞隻羽毛、雞冠顏色分辨雞的品質,並比較市面上速食業者使用之雞隻與萬步雞所養的時間長度差異性,最後則解說為何堅持種出有機無毒的蔬菜水果,讓民眾可以安心食用。活動過程中可與農場動物互動,亦可以與萬步雞親密接觸,抱著萬步雞一起合照留念。
  Nestled in the lush greenery of the mountains, Shuichuan Farm was originally a recreational farm that provides the public a place for recreational and camping activities. However, the infrastructure and business that took years to develop fell apart overnight when severe typhoon swept the area on August 8, 2009. With help from the Kaohsiung City Government, the farm started on the road to recovery, gradually and successfully turning to organic farming. The tour began with the farm owner introducing the farm's free-range chickens, the natural environment where they are raised and the nutritional chicken feed used. He also taught everyone how to tell the quality of chicken by their feathers and crest, compared the difference between time taken to raise chickens used by fast-food chains and that for Shuichuan free-range chickens, and explained the farm's commitment to growing organic, non-toxic fruits and vegetables. During the tour, everyone was able to interact closely with farm animals and even take photos with a chicken in their arms.

Original Image  午餐於水泉農場內享用農場自製餐點,食材從稻米至蔬菜皆為農場內自產,多有都市較不常見之鄉村特有食材,用餐期間農場主人亦會介紹餐點特色,餐點雖簡單但豐富輕爽無負擔,眾人皆享用的津津有味。餐後,繼續由農場主人兒子為眾人進行導覽解說,針對農場內可見的動植物做介紹,除了講解特別的植物品種區分外,也點出易混淆的種類讓眾人猜測比較,仔細地說明如何辨別,除此之外,亦帶領眾人參觀八八風災後園區內遭受重創所遺留下來的舊屋,生動描述風災時所發生情景,並藉此傳達人與自然如何共生共存重要性的概念。活動最後由農場主人表演傳統糖蔥製作,糖蔥為台灣特有的古早味點心,其技術被列為傳統民俗技藝之一,隨著時代更迭已逐漸失傳,需透過師傅熟練的技巧才能製成。農場主人由白砂糖糖漿熬煮至糖蔥拉製,因許多見習生未見過此古早味點心,故觀賞及品嚐中充滿驚奇,過程生動有趣,香脆可口的滋味也眾人皆留下深刻印象。至此,本日活動已近尾聲,大家一起合照留念後返回台北,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。
  Lunch was specially prepared with ingredients ranging from rice to vegetables that were grown in the farm. During lunch, the farm owner introduced the special features of their dishes as many of them contained ingredients that were not commonly seen in the city. While simple, the dishes were sumptuous, light and healthy, and everyone had an enjoyable meal. After lunch, the farm owner's son took over as tour guide. Besides introducing unique plant species in the farm, he also pointed out the types of plants that could easily cause confusion and explained how to differentiate them. Furthermore, he brought everyone to the area of the farm remaining from the destruction of the August 8 typhoon. He gave a vivid description of what happened during the disaster, emphasizing the importance of man's symbiotic relationship and coexistence with nature. At the end of the tour, the farm owner performed the art of making traditional Tang Chung (stretched sugar) candy. The art of making this unique traditional snack is officially listed as a traditional folk craft. It has gradually died out because it can only be made by masters with expert skill. As many interns had never seen the making of this traditional snack before, they were intrigued by the amazing skill of transforming white sugar syrup into stretched candy. Its crisp texture and sweet taste also left a deep impression in everyone's mind. At this point, the day's itinerary came to an end. Everyone boarded the bus to Taipei after taking a group photo and looked forward to the next study tour.
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