The Discussion on "The Effect upon Micro-climate by Afforesting in ...Date: 2012-12-27 Section: Exchanges | 本會長期追蹤影響人類生存之環境因子,認定「保水保樹」 的散居聚落,乃是氣候變遷壓力遽增下,族群圖存的必要行動策略之一,而政府部門近年來亦積極推動各項造林政策,設置花蓮、嘉義及屏東三處大型平地森林園區。本會林俊興董事長擔任「101年國家永續發展獎」評審委員考評永續發展行動計畫執行時,參訪其中的花蓮園區,與林務局楊宏志副局長就大面積平地造林對地區微氣候的影響交換意見,並透過林董事長之推薦,由本會專擅氣象領域的林得恩先生居中協助林務局,比對分析造林前後氣候變化的差異。 The ARF has long been tracking environmental factors that affect human survival and has determined that “water and tree conservation” is a necessary move for humanity’s survival under the increasing pressure of climate change. In recent years, the government has also actively initiated various afforestation policies, and establish around in Hualien, Chiayi and Pingtung large-size lowland forest parks. While evaluating sustainable development action plans as a judge for the “2012 National Sustainable Development Award”, ARF President Lin Chun-shin visited forest park in Hualian and exchange opinions with the Forestry Bureau’s Deputy Director-General Yang Hung-chih on the micro-climatic impact of large-scale afforestation on the plains. Upon recommendation by President Lin Chun-shin, the ARF’s weather expert Mr. Lin De-en offered his assistance to the Forestry Bureau for comparison and analysis of climate changes before and after afforestation.
2012年10月9日及12月10日,在黃晉英秘書長的聯絡安排下,林務局楊宏志副局長、楊駿憲組長等一行人至本會蟲洞會議室聽取林得恩先生之氣候分析簡報。經由林董事長對與會者進行「永續之前.明天之後」環境課題的論述解說,表示平地造林對減緩氣候變遷的重要性。因此持續追蹤三處園區微氣候變化,將可做為日後造林政策之參考。 On October 9 and December 10, 2012, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying arranged for the Forestry Bureau’s Deputy Director-General Yang Hung-chih and team leader Yang Chun-hsien et al, to be at the ARF’s wormhole meeting room for a briefing on climate analysis by Mr. Lin De-en. Speaking on the environmental topic “Before Sustainability, After Tomorrow”, President Lin Chun-shin said that the initiation of lowland afforestation is fundamentally important to alleviating climate change. Thus, the continuous monitoring of micro-climate changes in the three forest parks will provide data for afforestation policy in the future.