Participation in BitSummit 2024

Date:  2024-11-01
Section: Exchanges
  BitSummit旨在集結日本的獨立遊戲,向世界展現當地開發者的創作能力,並邀請海外團隊赴日參展,故本會今年亦派員參訪BitSummit 2024,冀以此一國際場域進一步認識日本獨立遊戲現況與參展海外團隊的最新動態,並將研習心得透過參訪後分享會的方式與國內獨立遊戲開發者交流。
  BitSummit aims to assemble Japanese independent games and their developers, displaying the creative capabilities of local developers to the world and inviting overseas teams to participate in the event in Japan. To gain insights into the Japanese indie scene and global trends, ARF also dispatched members to attend BitSummit 2024. The insights will be shared with domestic independent game developers through post-visit sharing sessions.

  BitSummit 2024於今年7月19日至21日在京都市勸業館舉辦,本次活動規模再次擴大,使用了兩層樓的展場空間,有眾多獨立遊戲開發團隊在此展出許多新鮮、特別的遊戲。本屆也有多組台灣遊戲團隊在場展出作品,其中心流遊戲的《Bionic Bay》在活動最後榮獲「Media Highlight Award」中的「Game Makers賞」,以及「革新的反骨心賞」兩個獎項,而赤燭遊戲的《九日》則獲得了「國際作品賞」,本會亦期望此類激盪交流能為國內開發者催生出更多能夠立足國際舞台的作品。

  BitSummit 2024 was held from July 19 to 21 at Miyako Messe in Kyoto. This year, the event expanded in scale once again, utilizing a two-story exhibition space and featuring numerous independent game development teams. Many unique games were displayed during the event. Multiple Taiwanese game development teams presenting their works can also be seen this time. Notably, Psychoflow Games received the "Game Makers Award" and the "Innovative Outlaw Award" for their game "Bionic Bay." In addition, Red Candle Games' "Nine Sols" was honored with the "International Award." ARF also hopes that such stimulating exchanges will foster the creation of more works by domestic developers that can establish a presence on the international stage.
This article comes from Archilife Research Foundation

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