Sketch of Public Policy Communion, August 2024Date: 2024-09-23 Section: Activity | 本會於2024年8月18日假台北晶華酒店地下三樓晶英會舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。由主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目之下,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「近期俄烏戰爭有新的轉變,烏克蘭已攻入俄羅斯庫爾斯克地區,對於戰爭情勢投下不確定因子,再加上11月份美國總統大選即將到來,因此,在全球局勢走向錯綜複雜之際,台灣必須靜觀其變,每個人皆應固守自身的崗位,自立自強。接著,近日公眾人物失言及財務問題風波不斷,提醒大家要做對的事情,謹言慎行,並且持續累積全方位的知識,才能做出正確的決策。最後,請大家持續關注氣候異變,聚焦政府提出的相關政策及企業ESG議題,促進台灣永續發展!」 The August Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2024 was held on August 18, 2024. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "The recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine has taken a swing. As Ukraine has seized control of Russia's Kursk region, the war situation remains uncertain. Furthermore, Taiwan must quietly observe the changes while everyone remains at their posts and strives for self-improvement, given the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November and the increasing complexity of the global situation. The recent upheaval surrounding public figures' indecent remarks and financial struggles serves as a reminder to all of us to conduct ourselves appropriately and exercise caution in our speeches and actions. We must also gain thorough knowledge in order to make sound decisions. Lastly, let us continue to monitor issues concerning climate change, with a particular emphasis on government-proposed policies and corporate ESG issues, in order to advance Taiwan's sustainable development."
緊接著進行專題演講,由國政委員邵文政先生主講「邁向ESG的幸福新健築」。主講人首先表示目前ESG談論的議題,以環境保護(E)及公司治理(G)較多,社會責任(S)層面較少,故應在此部分做更多努力。而台灣建築在社會責任的推動,包含室內空氣品質標章、綠建材標章及綠建築標章等,主講人也提到應遵照台灣室內空氣品質管理法之場所,因空氣品質影響人體健康甚鉅,必須要相當重視。另外,也推動綠裝修認證,即運用優質的建材進行裝修,裝修完後能夠如綠建築般達到節能、減廢、健康之需求。最後,主講人表示人的生活離不開建築,期望實踐永續幸福新「健」築,使居住者都能幸福健康。 Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Shao Wen-cheng presented a speech on the "Moving Towards ESG, New Buildings of Happiness". The speaker first stated that current ESG issues are primarily concerned with environmental protection (E) and corporate governance (G), with less emphasis on social responsibility (S). As a result, this is where we should focus our efforts. Taiwan's architecture promotes social responsibility by including indoor air quality labels, green building materials labels, and green building labels. The speaker also mentioned that the venues mentioned in the Indoor Air Quality Management Act should be followed, as air quality has a significant impact on human health and thus should be given priority. Furthermore, green renovation certification is promoted, which requires the use of high-quality building materials in renovations. After renovation, green building requirements such as energy conservation, waste reduction, and health can be met. Finally, the speaker stated that buildings are an important aspect of life. It is hoped that new buildings will promote sustainability and happiness while also ensuring the health and happiness of their residents.
接著由國政委員陳遠鴻先生主講「鑑定災害與修復分享」。主講人本次對於鑑定常見災害與修復進行說明。首先為火災,由建築物混凝土受火災後由外觀判斷其影響;氣爆,量測是否有撓曲變形情形,決定混凝土重作及鋼板補強程度;坡地滑動,觀察周邊建築物位移情形及建築物裂縫;高氯離子,建築物常鏽蝕造成坍塌危害住民安全;滲漏水,天花板有如鐘乳石柱狀之情景;地震,造成裂縫、梁柱爆裂及不均勻沉陷。主講人表示許多建築設計僅為法規最低標準,若在初始設計即能擴大尺度,對於民眾生命財產必定更有保障。 Next, Mr. Chen Yuan-hung spoke on "Disaster Identification and Restorations". The speaker explained how to identify common disasters and restorations. First, the impacts are determined based on the exterior of buildings' concrete after fires; for gas explosions, whether there are deflection and deformation are measured to determine the amount of concrete rework and the extent of reinforcement steel sheet; in slope sliding, the displacement situation and cracks of nearby buildings are observed; high chloride ions frequently result in corrosion and collapses that jeopardize the safety of residents; ceilings resemble stalactite columns when they are subjected to water seepage and leaks; earthquakes result in cracks, beam and column ruptures, and uneven subsidence. The speaker mentioned that many building designs barely meet the minimum regulatory standard; if the scale can be expanded during the initial design stage, people's lives and property will be better protected.
接著由國政委員林裕益先生主講「翡翠水庫管理之變革新政」。主講人首先以圖示讓與會者得知翡翠水庫全流域的管理視野,表示其施政願景為營造永續優質水庫,故定出五大使命:1.大壩安全2.蓄洪防災3.穩定供水 4.優質水源5.減少淤積,以及三個附屬任務:1.水力發電2.淨零碳排3.環境教育,特別提到蓄洪防災部分,使水庫在颱風不洩洪,也就是汛期7月至10月控留20%~30%庫容蓄洪,降低下游水患風險。主講人表示,翡翠水庫完工營運迄今37年,為使其永續經營,在集水區保育治理部分為:減緩淤積及水質維護,在大壩維護管理部分為:結構延壽及基礎穩定,期望為大家守護大台北最重要的水源! Next, Mr. Lin Yu-yi spoke on "The Revolutionary New Policy of Feitsui Reservoir's Management". The speaker began by illustrating in figures the scope of basin-wide management at Feitsui Reservoir. He stated that the policy implementation vision is to build a sustainable and high-quality reservoir. As a result, five missions have been proposed: 1. dam safety; 2. flood water storage to prevent disasters; 3. stable water supply; 4. high-quality water sources; and 5. sediment reduction. There are three supplementary tasks: 1. Hydropower; 2. Zero-carbon emissions; and 3. Environmental education. The floodwater storage for disaster prevention part is particularly highlighted, as the reservoir retains floodwaters during typhoons. During the flooding period from July to October, 20%–30% of reservoir capacity is reserved to store floodwater, reducing the risk of downstream flooding. According to the speaker, the Feitsui Reservoir was completed for operation 37 years ago. To ensure its long-term operation, the catchment area's conservation governance component includes sediment management and water quality maintenance. Dam maintenance and management include extending the service life of structures and ensuring foundation stability, with the goal of protecting the most important water source in Greater Taipei for all.
演講完畢,黃晉英秘書長代表基金會致贈謝禮予主講人。接著在與會者紛紛利用「餵豬時間」提出個人意見與看法交流後,圓滿地結束八月份國政聯誼會。 After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The August Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.