Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, March 2024Date: 2024-04-28 Section: Activity | 2024年3月10日由呂明澐小姐帶領27位祐生見習生及家長們,至宜蘭員山進行深溝半農慢時光之旅。宜蘭是臺灣唯一不需興建水庫,卻終年不缺水之地,境內多區皆有伏流湧泉,其中深溝村所在的粗坑溪湧泉帶,水量格外豐沛,如此優良的自然環境,也正是穀東俱樂部等返鄉與在地青農共同創辦「慢島生活」的實踐基地。當天上午慢島生活團隊的夥伴們向大家分享春季尾聲的插秧實作,眾人換上水田鞋,沿著田間小路來到水稻田,分成兩組交替體驗人力與農機插秧方式;人力組於田梗邊領取解說員交付的台中秈10號秧苗小塊,忐忑地踩下水田,腳上被濕黏的土壤包覆住的奇妙感瞬間刺激著每條神經,雖然喜悅的尖叫聲此起彼落,但更多是寸步難行的驚怪疑嘆,不過每個人仍然盡全力插下秧苗;在此同時,農機組的見習生們則搭上「八行乘坐式」插秧機,前端所設的機械爪,就會從苗床取數株秧苗植入土中,利用引擎帶動齒輪向前推進,大幅節省農務時間。中午換洗好滿是水田泥濘的下著褲鞋後,亟需補充體力的眾人,前往穗穗念餐廳享用午餐。店主向眾人介紹「吃在地、食當季」和落實低碳食物里程的概念,眼前五彩繽紛、以食物的天然原色呈現的料理,更是令眾人眼睛為之一亮;特別是蔬菜拼盤沙拉,讓原本不太喜愛吃蔬菜的年幼見習生們,也迫不及待地拿餐盤盛裝,並在大口嚥下後,流露出滿滿的幸福感。
For the study tour of March 10, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 27 ARF interns and their parents to Yuanshan, Yilan, to experience slow living in Shengou Village. Yilan, with its abundant underground streams, is the only place in Taiwan that does not require a reservoir yet has no water shortage year-round. Shengou Village, located within the Chukeng River spring belt, provides an excellent platform where groups like the Ko-Tong Rice Club collaborate with returnees and local young farmers to create "Island Time". The Island Time team introduced everyone to late-spring rice transplanting in the morning, dividing them into two groups to experience both manual and automated transplanting. The manual group planted Taichung Indica Rice No. 10 seedlings, carefully stepping into the paddy field as their feet sank into the wet mud. They laughed and screamed as they felt the unique sensation. Despite the difficulty, everyone tried their best to plant the seedlings. Meanwhile, the automated group rode on an eight-row riding-type transplanter, which uses a frontal mechanical claw to transfer seedlings from trays to the ground, saving much time. After changing out of their muddy pants and boots, the exhausted group recharged at Sui Sui Nian Restaurant, where the owner introduced the concept of "Eat Local, Eat Seasonal" and discussed the implementation of low-carbon food miles around noon. The colorful dishes, presented in the natural colors of the ingredients, brightened the crowd's eyes. In particular, the vegetable platter salad delighted the young interns, who were originally not fond of vegetables, as they eagerly took the plate and enjoyed it with big mouthfuls, revealing a sense of complete happiness.
下午步行前往「耕善緣─卡莎&蝦蝦開心農場」途中,解說員介紹這條與餐廳短短200公尺的距離,是深溝村主要的幹道,沿途是當地返鄉創業青年、以及因土地結緣的食農夥伴們聚集的場域,讓大家能以各種方式刻畫出自己理想的生活樣貌,也逐漸形塑出屬於深溝村的慢島生活圈。抵達農場後,隨即進行餵雞體驗,農場主人帶領大家進入雞舍,讓雞群啄取手心的飼料,並簡單介紹牠們的習性與如何將之抱起。剛開始見習生們只敢伸出手輕輕撫摸,熟悉了之後,便小心翼翼的接過雞,抱在手中端詳,積極與之互動。接著走入雞舍內撿拾雞蛋,將雞蛋清洗完畢,來到室內進行米鬆餅DIY。按照指令與步驟,眾人將在地所產白米製成的米穀粉、糖、雞蛋、鮮奶與鮮奶油等材料攪拌均勻,預熱鬆餅機,接著將麵糊舀入機器中。現場鬆餅機有直立式與加壓式兩種,雖因機器型號不同,操作上也有一些差異,但從中飄出來的淡淡米香,都讓見習生們垂涎三尺;烤至焦糖色的米鬆餅出爐,搭配葡萄、草莓或香蕉切片,加上鮮奶油與糖漿的點綴,就大功告成了。至此,宜蘭一日慢活之旅也已告一段落,大家合影留念後搭車返程,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。 On the way to "Geng Shan Yuan – Kasha & Xiaxia Happy Farm" in the afternoon, the tour guide said the mere 200m distance from the restaurant is Shengou Village’s thoroughfare. Along the way are places to gather for entrepreneurial young people who have returned back to their hometown and people bound by the same interest in agrifood. It allows everyone to create their ideal way of living and gradually become the center of activities for slow living in the village. Arriving at the farm, the farm owner led everyone to the chicken coop to feed the chickens. She also introduced their habits and explained how to pick them up. At first, the interns only dared to pat the chickens lightly but were seen picking them up carefully and interacting with them after becoming familiar. Next, everyone picked up eggs in the coop, washed them and proceeded to make rice waffles indoor. After mixing rice flour, sugar, eggs, milk, and butter, the batter was ladled into a preheated waffle maker. Despite the differences in machine model and method of operation, the aroma of rice that wafted out from the machines was equally mouth-watering. Baked till caramel colored, the waffles were decorated with slices of grape, strawberry and banana, and topped with fresh cream and syrup, bringing the study tour to a perfect end. As the day's tour came to an end, everyone took a group photo before heading back home and looked forward to the next study tour.