Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, November 2023

Date:  2023-12-16
Section: Activity
  For the study tour of November 18, 2023, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 10 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to Xinwu, Taoyuan, to explore green living and Hakka ocean culture. Based on the tide times, the first stop of the itinerary was the Xinwu River Mouth: Guanxin Algal Reefs Ecosystem Wildlife Refuge. At low tide, everyone walked across the beach covered with feeding crabs and observed algal reefs and tidal pools in the buffer zone that is open to the public.
  Formed by the accumulation of calcified algae, an algal reef is primarily calcium carbonate and grows by less than one centimeter every 10 years. Algal reefs in Taoyuan are mainly formed by coralline algae. Showing everyone the red coralline algae clinging to rocks and drawing a comparison to coral reefs, the guide explained that algae construct reefs far slower than coral polyps, which is why vast expanses of algal reefs is rare. Due to its porosity, an algal reef provides a suitable habitat for marine organisms. The guide also urged everyone to bend down and look for hermit crabs, barnacles, oysters, and other types of conchs and shellfish seen in his picture cards. Back at the "Algal Reef Ecology Classroom" nearby, which was formerly Yongxing Landfill, everyone learned about the formation and distribution of algal reefs, and the ecological environment they create. This environment brings abundant fish catches to the coastal area, making it a hub for the fishing industry. Thus, it is evident that algal reefs are critical not only for maintaining biodiversity but also for our cultural development.

  Everyone visited the Green Life Museum in the afternoon, designed to resemble a traditional Taiwanese courtyard house although using abandoned cargo containers and recycled materials, including its large art installations and small decorations. The guide explained the impact of human activities on nature through exhibits, urged everyone to reduce waste and incorporate carbon reduction into every aspect of daily life. After the visit, everyone tried making DIY soap using freshly picked Indian borage grown on the premises. Interns extracted juice and added it to the soap base, reducing the carbon footprint while experiencing the gift of nature.

  The final destination of the tour was Yongan Conch Cultural Experience Park located next to Yongan Fishing Harbor. Shaped like a conch, it has a wind chime sculpture which makes beautiful melody in the wind. The park allows everyone to learn about the coastal environment, unique fishing skills, and the culture of early people in the area, e.g. blowing the conch to gather people to help pull the beach seine and distributing the catch according to their contribution. Through VR interactive games, interns also learned about how early people built stone weirs. The use of locally sourced materials by early people reflect difficulty of their livelihood and their relentless spirit. As the tour ended, everyone took a photo together and looked forward to the next tour.
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