Sketch of Public Policy Communion, August 2023Date: 2023-09-19 Section: Activity | 本會於2023年8月20日假台北喜來登大飯店地下二樓喜廳舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。在主持人黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開當日活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目之下,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「最新統計數據證實,在今年7月份可能是自有歷史記錄以來氣溫最高的月份,聯合國秘書長古特瑞斯提出警告,全球暖化時代已經結束,如今進入到全球沸騰時代。全球各地正面臨極端氣候帶來的危害,例如近年來威尼斯水患不斷、近期美國龍捲風的襲擊及本月份夏威夷野火的肆虐等。因此,減緩氣候異變的意識逐漸提高,零碳排越來越受到重視。另外,近期美國總統拜登正式簽署投資中國企業禁令,限制範圍為晶片、量子運算和人工智慧,顯示美中競爭持續升級,同時也牽動國際局勢。最後,提醒大家在各自的領域中,都要秉持良好的德行,持續貢獻社會。」 The August Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2023 was held on August 20, 2023. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "The latest statistics show that this July may be the hottest month on record. Antonio Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, the UN Secretary, warned the era of global warming has ended, and the era of global boiling has arrived. Every corner around the world has experienced extreme weather events, such as more frequent flooding in Venice, tornados in the US and wildfire in Hawaii this month, resulting in higher awareness of climate change and increasing importance of zero emission. US President Biden signed an order banning new American investment in China’s sensitive industries, including semiconductors, quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI). It signified that its confrontation with China has escalated and has an effect on the world. No one could be an exception. We hope that everyone practices good manners and contributes to society in his/her position."
緊接著進行專題演講,由國政委員林裕益先生主講「翡翠水庫ESG永續經營」。主講人首先說明翡翠水庫興建工程耗費八年時間,於1987年啟用,由於水資源點滴珍貴,故應從ESG等三面向來著手管理,以達成永續經營的目標。在環境永續部分,包含定期採樣檢測水質,排砂維持庫容,造林增加碳匯,推動水庫邊坡管理,以及綠能發電。在社會責任部分,包含完備大壩安全監測機制,兼顧穩定供水及防洪減災,跨域支援水源共享,提供民眾參訪進行環境教育。在機關治理部分,包含網站資訊公開,跨機關、跨領域的合作,職安環境管理及職場安全宣導。主講人表示,期望透過這些行動,共同守護大台北水源。 Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Lin Yu-yi presented a speech on the "Feitsui Reservoir ESG Sustainable Management". The speaker said the reservoir began operating in 1987 and took 8 years of construction. Every drop was precious, and therefore a three-dimensional framework has been developed to reinforce management in order to achieve sustainability (Environmental, Social, Governance). The efforts regarding environmental sustainability include regular water sampling to check the quality, sediment removal to ensure the reservoir capacity, forest regeneration to earn carbon credits, reservoir slope management and renewable energy power generation. With respect to social responsibility, the dam safety monitoring system has been established for stable water supply, flood control and disaster management. Other roles of the reservoir are to supply water to different areas and to provide a place for environmental education. The governance measures include open access to information, cooperation among different organizations and fields, workplace safety management and promotion of occupational safety. The speaker hoped that these actions would help protect the water resources of the Taipei area.
接著由國政委員張桂鳳小姐主講「環亞熱帶低碳建築對話」。主講人首先表示今年五月份前往菲律賓進行以園冶獎為平台之學術交流,因菲律賓與台灣屏東、高雄氣候環境相似,故能相互分享都市規畫與建築經驗。主講人接著分享本次主要參訪的單位為菲律賓國立大學及亞洲開發銀行,本次是以菲律賓語「PAmayanan(社區), Gabayan(引導), Linangin (培育)」三個字為縮寫的「PAGLINANG」為主軸,分享園冶獎操作機制及屏東各處社區營造發展歷程。主講人表示,本次交流體會到建置英文網頁的重要性,以及找出彼此共通點,建立共同對話,使能產生共鳴,讓雙方交流更加順利圓滿。 Next, Ms. Chang Kuei-feng spoke on "Low Carbon Construction for Tropical Climate in Pan-Asia". The speaker started the speech with the academic exchange experience in the Philippines for the Yuan Ye Awards this May. Because of the similar climate of the Philippines and Pingtung and Kaohsiung of Taiwan, there were some common grounds in urban planning and construction. The speaker then shared that the main units visited this time are 2 major organizations, namely the University of the Philippines and Asian Development Bank, also joined the event with the core theme of PAGLINANG, which stands for Pamayanan (community), Gabayan (guidance) and Linangin (nurturing). The speaker took the opportunity to share the operating mechanism of the Yuan Ye Awards and the progress of community development in Pingtung. The speaker also learned that it was important to set up English websites, find common ground and build dialogues to make messages resonate in order to facilitate exchanges.
接著由國政委員林玉茹小姐主講「肌少.動起」。主講人首先表示未來台灣面臨的四大困境,包含高齡化、少子化、帶病長壽及慢性病年輕化,所以台灣民眾對於預防醫學需要相當重視。根據統計,台灣人罹患肌少症在亞洲位居第一名,許多人隨著年齡增加,身體機能退化活動力變差,活動量變少、營養不足,肌少問題越來越嚴重,造成關節退化及跌倒,從此因失能而讓生活品質一直下降。主講人也提出判斷肌少症各種表現,除了觀察身體表徵,可參考「SARCF肌少症評估量表」。最後,主講人提醒大家在年輕時就要養成正確的運動和飲食習慣,透過保健、營養及鍛鍊來預防肌少症發生。 Next, Ms. Lin Yu-ju spoke on "Fighting Muscle Loss through Exercise". The speaker pointed out 4 major challenges of the future of Taiwan, namely the aging society, low birth rate, longer life with poor health and the increasing number of young people with chronic conditions. Thus, Taiwan people should learn more about preventive healthcare. The statistics showed that the number of Taiwan people with sarcopenia was ranked first in Asia. With age, bodily functions began a gradual but continuous decline. People became more inactive and malnutritional, developing more severe symptoms. Then, osteoarthritis and falls became common things and eventually, disability occurs and life quality deteriorates. The speaker also suggested that to judge the various manifestations of sarcopenia, in addition to observing some physical symptoms, one can refer to the "SARCF Sarcopenia Assessment Scale". Finally, the speaker reminded everyone to develop correct exercise and eating habits at a young age, and to prevent sarcopenia through health care, nutrition and exercise.
演講完畢,黃晉英秘書長代表基金會致贈謝禮予主講人。接著在與會者紛紛利用「餵豬時間」提出個人意見與看法交流後,圓滿地結束八月份國政聯誼會。 After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The August Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.