Gift of Books from Ex-TLPGA Chairperson Yueh-chyn HuangDate: 2022-11-21 Section: Sponsorships | 祐生向來提倡活力健康的新生活模式,有鑑於高爾夫球乃是結合了體力與智力,並力求精準呈現的知性體育活動,因此本會早年為促進國內高爾夫球運動的風氣,在林俊興董事長以及黃晉英秘書長的積極參與及帶領之下,長期贊助經費予TLPGA台灣女子職業高爾夫協會舉辦各項賽事活動,除了希望能提升高爾夫職業、業餘的比賽水準與品質之外,也企盼著能為我國女子職業球員創造技術傳承與競技的舞台,也因此與歷任理事長蔡麗香女士、黃玥珡女士、劉依貞女士在交流互動之下,結下了不解之緣。 Always advocating healthy, energetic lifestyle, the ARF had begun promoting the sport of golf in Taiwan since the early years as golf is seen as a precision intellectual game that combines physical power and brain power. With active participation and leadership under President Lin Chun-shin and Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, the ARF has been continuously sponsoring the Taiwan Ladies Professional Golf Association (TLPGA), hoping to improve the standard and quality of professional and amateur golf competitions, and create the environment for nurturing better players and participation in professional competitions. In doing so, the ARF has forged bonds with past and present chairpersons of the TLPGA, including Ms. Angie Tsai Yi-chen Liu, Ms. Yueh-chyn Huang and Ms. Yi-chen Liu.
此次,黃晉英秘書長於2022年10月17日受邀至黃玥珡女士淡水家中敘舊暢談,交流各自在志業領域上的努力,也因為深深了解基金會在推動知識整合上不遺餘力,因此特別致贈珍藏多年的《世界文物史》及《世界風物誌》兩套彩圖百科全書,希望能由基金會接續收藏,並留下動人的紀念合影,見證這段綿長深厚的情誼。 On October 17, 2022, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying was invited to Ms. Yueh-chyn Huang’s home for a social gathering and to talk about each other’s endeavor in their respective careers. Deeply appreciating the ARF’s untiring dedication to knowledge integration, Ms. Huang gifted the ARF two colored encyclopedia sets, namely History of World Cultural Relics and Scenery and Objects of the World. It is her hope that the ARF will continue to treasure her precious collection. During the meet-up, a group photo was also taken, testifying to the deep and lasting bond.