Archilife Living Special Team Conferences

Date:  2021-01-23
Section: Special Team Conferences
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  With the global climate change showing a trend of turbulence and frequent occurrences of extreme weather events such as heat, floods, droughts, etc., and with the COVID-19 pandemic raging around the world, the normal operations of humanities and societies have been subject to serious impacts. In view of the various challenges confronting human life, the Archilife Living Special Team periodically held special team conferences in 2020 to discuss and formulate coping plans focusing on related issues. The Archilife Living Special Team is led by Professor Su Ching-hua, with Ms. Cheng Wei-ning as the team leader. The members include: Ms. Tang Shu-chen, Mr. Chung Cheng-hsin, Mr. Tsai Kun-hsien, Mr. Luo Yang-ching, Mr. Gao Chuan-chi, Mr. Day Yeong-tyi, Mr. Lin De-en, Mr. Wang Wen-an, Mr. Liu Ding-chyu, Mr. Chen Tai-an, etc. The discussion results in various stages are explained below:

Original Image  自109年1月3日起至6月23日止,召開109年上半年特組會議,研擬因應氣候異變災難的相關策略。具體研討成果包括:分析全球與台灣氣候異變災難類型與影響;建構各項災難預警指標與監測機制;研擬提升植栽塔效能、設置種原庫、室內水耕栽培系統方案,確保避難期間糧食穩定供應;設計驟然發生災難,維持生命基本需求的共生緊急避難袋;規劃提升祐生成員野外求生能力營隊訓練課程等。
  From January 3 to June 23, 2020, special team conferences for the first half of 2020 were held to formulate climate change and disaster related strategies. The specific discussion results include: analyzing climate change and disaster types and impacts on the world and Taiwan; constructing various disaster pre-warning indicators and warning mechanism; formulating plans to enhance the efficiency of planting towers, setting up the germplasm bank and indoor hydroponic cultivation system to ensure a stable supply of food during the evacuation period; designing the symbiotic emergency evacuation bag to maintain the basic needs of life during sudden disaster occurrence; planning camp training courses intended to enhance Archilife members’ ability to survival in the wild.

Original Image  自109年7月2日起至12月30日止,召開109年下半年特組會議,研擬垂直遷徙雪山山脈的相關規劃。具體研討成果包括:分析雪山山脈的氣候特徵、地理條件、生態環境、人文歷史等;建構垂直遷徙基地的評估指標。此外,為因應COVID-19疫情已改變人類原有生活模式,經檢視其對生活各層面的影響程度後,研擬提出「共生生態下新生活初探」專案報告,期能作為未來因應疫情,須採取緊急應變措施的重要參考依據。
  From July 2 to December 30, 2020, special team conferences for the second half of 2020 were held to formulate vertical migration Snowy Mountain Range related planning. The specific discussion results include: analyzing Snowy Mountain Range’s climate characteristics, geographical conditions, ecological environment, humanities, history, etc.; constructing assessment indicators for the vertical migration base. Additionally, in response to COVID-19 pandemic that has altered the existing human way of life, after inspecting its impact level on all aspects of life, the “Preliminary study on the new life under the symbiotic ecology” project report was formulated and proposed, which shall serve as an important reference for adopting emergency response measures for coping with the epidemic situation in the future.

Original Image  面對詭譎多變的未來,本會期望生活特組務必持續關切影響人類族群生存的各項議題,積極研擬求生存、謀生計、延生命的因應方案並落實為具體行動,期能為人類族群建構永續生存的未來。
  In view of the treacherous and ever-changing future, Archilife hopes the Living Special Team will continue to show concern to various issues affecting the survival of the human race, actively formulate response plans for seeking survival, making a living and extending life, thereby implementing them as specific action. Hopefully, a sustainable future will be built for the human ethnic groups.
This article comes from Archilife Research Foundation

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