Sketch of Public Policy Communion, December 2020Date: 2021-01-25 Section: Activity |  本會於2020年12月20日假喜來登大飯店一樓清翫廳舉行「祐生國政聯誼會」。在黃晉英秘書長宣布後揭開活動序幕,在輕鬆、活潑的節目後,隨即由主持人帶來重要訊息:「11月份全球陸地高溫創141年紀錄,而颱風也創56年來未侵襲台灣的紀錄,顯見氣候暴烈化越趨嚴重,面對末日四騎士「敵耶穌、糧荒、戰爭、疫病」的嚴峻考驗,請做好長期對抗的準備,以數位共生新文明因應,重視保水保樹。另外,面對現今全球情勢紛亂的環境,提醒大家行事計畫應留有餘裕,以應付突發狀況。祐生成員們經過祐生長期培養,已累積足夠的知識量,希望大家能成為台灣最堅強的力量,肩負起人類永續生存的責任。」接著介紹新任知識執守者,為會社出版物執守者廖偉鈞先生。 The December Archilife Public Policy Communion of 2020 was held on December 20, 2020. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying made the following announcement, "The global land-only surface temperature for November was the highest on record in 141 years, while Taiwan has set a record of not having a single typhoon for 56 years. Obviously, drastic climate is becoming increasingly serious. Therefore, please be prepared for the long-term battle, cope through a new civilization of digital symbiosis, and attach importance to water conservation and tree protection. On top of it, in the face of the current chaotic global environment, everyone is reminded to sufficiently engage in practices and planning in response to unexpected situations. Through Archilife’s long-term training, its members have accumulated an adequate amount of knowledge. Hopefully, everyone will become the strongest force in Taiwan and shoulder the responsibility of mankind’s continual survival." Later on, the new knowledge keeper introduced himself to the members.
緊接著進行專題演講,由國政委員王文安先生主講「疫病後新居住空間思考」。主講人首先表示疫病為氣膠傳遞,故應保持社交距離並佩戴口罩。而隨著疫情發展「全球化」將走向「在地化」。在空間防疫智慧化對策部分,空間中各項設施應調整為自動感應,並配置雙出入口。在通風換氣部分,飛沫病毒傳染的改善機制為增加自然通風潛力、增加換氣率,並藉由空氣淨化裝置,過濾室內空調回風或室外空氣病毒。另外,隨著疫情發展,在宅時間變多,工作或學習應增加遠距數位空間及完整的電腦設備,醫療復健應設置具傳輸功能之生理監測裝置。最後,主講人提及當層排氣、排水的建築設計概念,以減少廢氣及細菌漫遊的問題。 Next on the schedule was the keynote speech. First, Mr. Wang Wen-an, presented a speech on the "Contemplating on New Living Space After the Pandemic". The presenter first mentioned that the pandemic is transmitted through droplets; therefore, social distancing should be observed, and masks should be worn. With the "globalized" epidemic situation development towards "localization", in terms of countermeasures for spatial epidemic prevention intelligentization, adjustments should be made to equip facilities in different spaces with automatic sensing; dual entrance/exit should be set up. In terms of ventilation, the measures for improving droplet viral infections include: increasing the potential of natural ventilation, increasing ventilation rates, and filtering air-conditioning indoor air return or viruses in outdoor air. Additionally, with the development of the epidemic situation, more time is spent at home. Additional remote digital spaces and comprehensive computer equipment should be set up. For medical rehabilitation, physiological monitoring devices featuring transmission should be set up. Lastly, the presenter mentioned that the architectural design concepts of current exhaust and drainage are intended to reduce the problem of exhaust gas and roaming bacteria.
接著由國政委員王敏州先生主講「我們與綠的距離」。主講人首先表示2020年台灣高溫屢屢刷新紀錄,本年度參與的「高雄市推動建築物立體綠化及綠屋頂計畫」,即鼓勵、輔導並協助民眾申請建築物立體綠化及綠屋頂。後續進行調查,約有65%的綠建築自治條例案件,其綠化面積與綠覆率能維持不變。而漏水或積水狀況,有近80%的民眾幾乎無此情形。除了能降溫、改善都市氣候外,也有放鬆心情效果。主講人表示綠覆率是居住環境品質的指標,也是城市生活中讓人放鬆身心的基調,導入「屋頂一畝田與露臺半畝園」之綠耕政策與陽台垂直綠化,為市民朋友帶來豐富的六感體驗。 Next, Mr. Wang Min-chou spoke on "Our Distance with the Green". The presenter first said that Taiwan time and again sets new high temperature records in 2020. The "Kaohsiung City promotion of three-dimensional greening and green roof plan" he participated in this year is intended to encourage, provide guidance to, and assist the general public in applying for building three-dimensional greening and green roof facilities. In subsequent surveys, for about 65% of green building autonomy regulation cases, green area and green coverage ratio remain the same. As for the situation of water leakage or stagnant water, nearly 80% of the general public experienced no such situation. In addition to cooling and improving the urban climate, the effect of relaxation was also achieved. The presenter said the green coverage ratio is an indicator of living environmental quality; it also sets a relaxing tone for urban life. The green farming policy of "one acre on the roof and half an acre of garden on the terrace" was introduced to bring the city residents a rich "sixth sense" experience.
接著由國政委員姚維正先生主講「健康人生,您需要超前佈署」。主講人首先提到全球感染COVID-19人數攀升到七千多萬人,死亡人數到達一百六十多萬人。接著說明2019年國人十大死因,其中第一項就是癌症,在疾病的威脅下,我們需要超前佈署。主講人以女星安潔莉娜‧裘莉為例,她利用基因檢測發現自己帶有乳癌基因,毅然決定接受「預防性乳房切除手術」,引發熱議。而國民健康署慢性疾病風險評估平台,也藉由大數據預測腦中風和心臟病的風險,提醒民眾及早改變生活形態。在環境及基因交互作用下,進行基因檢測、維持良好生活形態、定期健康檢查,超前佈署,才能守護健康,維繫成功人生。 Next, Mr. Yao Wei-cheng spoke on "You Need to Deploy in Advance to Have a Healthy Life". The presenter first said that the number of persons infected with COVID-19 has risen to over 70 million, with over 1.6 million deaths. The ten leading causes of death in Taiwan were subsequently explained. The first among these leading causes is cancer. Under the threat of the disease, we need to deploy in advance. The presenter cited actress Angelina Jolie as the example. She resolutely decided to undergo a preventative double mastectomy after tests showed that she carries a cancer gene. This sparked heated debates. The Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare’s chronic disease risk assessment platform also uses big data to predict the risk of stroke and heart disease and reminds the general public to change their lifestyle as early as possible. Under the interaction of environment and genes, genetic testing is carried out. It is only by maintaining a sound lifestyle, undergoing periodic health checkups, and deploying in advance, we can safeguard our health and lead a successful life.
演講完畢,黃晉英秘書長代表基金會致贈謝禮予主講人。接著在與會者紛紛利用「餵豬時間」提出個人意見與看法交流後,圓滿地結束十二月份國政聯誼會。 After the speech, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying presented a gift to the speakers on behalf of the foundation. Then, attendees expressed and exchanged their opinions and views during the piggy hour. The December Archilife Public Policy Communion ended smoothly.