Archilife Delegation for SB2002 International Conference(2) (Part: 2)
Author: webmaster Published:2002-09-28 Read: 5480 reads

Resized Image  接著考察團一行驅車前往Pilestredet Park參訪更新再造的案例,設計者將廢棄不用的舊穀倉經由分層改建為學生宿舍,現場可看到高聳的穀倉變成塗有亮麗色彩外觀的宿舍,為舊建築注入了新的生命。宿舍周遭的環境清幽,旁又有小河蜿蜒,真是讓人對居住此處的學子們心生豔羨'也讓團員們對即將啟動的「共生圈一號」寄予無限的厚望。
  Then, we visited a renewal case in Pilestredet Park. The designer turned an abandoned barn into a multi-storey dormitory. In the scene, we saw the towering barn has turned into a dormitory with a colorful appearance, injecting a new life to an abandoned building. The near neighborhood was quiet, and there was a river running across. The whole environment made one envy of the students living there and inspired ARF delegates'great expectation on Symbiosphere 1 Center.

Resized Image  中午時刻,考察團一行在前往Fredrikstad途中的Balaklava鎮用餐。在車行的途中,黃晉英秘書長除了感謝大家連日來的辛勞,也希望團員們趁記憶猶新時,寫下這次參與國際研討會的心得與待改進之處,並儘量描繪曾交談過國際友人的形貌與對話的內容,讓此行有更完整與詳盡的收穫可供日後索引。用餐前,大會特別安排一位充滿書卷氣息的長者為大家解說這座古老城鎮的歷史與街道,讓人動容不已。在前往下一個目的地的空檔,大家紛紛把握時間,不論是港口、砲台、城鬥、木屋、小徑或花園等都留下大家美麗的倩影,盡情享受這短暫的浮生半日閒。
  At noon, the delegation had lunch in Balaklava, a town on transit to Fredrikstad. In addition to expressing her gratitude for the toil of delegates, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying hoped that they could write down what they have learned from the trip and what improvements should made when they could still remember everything. She also asked them to depict, as much as possible, the facial features and conversation of international friends they have talked to in order to provide more complete and detailed information for future retrieval. Before the lunch, it was really touching that the organizer arranged a scholarly senior to show delegates the history and road network of this ancient town. Before heading for the next destination, delegates grasped the time to visit the harbor, forts, city gates, log cabins, paths and parks in the vicinity in order to freely enjoy this leisure moment in the busy life.

Resized Image  在經過大約半個多小時的車程,考察團一行終於抵達位於Fredrikstad的Kvernhuset Junior High School進行參觀。這是一所以永續建築理念所興建的學校,由當地社區人士集體經營與構思,原本預計於2002年六月左右完工啟用,但在考察團抵達的當時卻尚在興建當中,也讓我們有機會一睹其造作過程。學校牆壁的外緣是選用當地產的碎石裝入金屬網搭建,令人耳目一新也感到震撼。設計者用心地利用與設計各式各樣的場景,學校也派出專人為大家解說,從建材、採光、太陽能板、地貌的保留、管線配置、廁所到污水處理池等裝置,在這所學校裡處處可見設計者的巧思與細膩,讓人印象深刻。
Resized Image  After about half an hour's ride, we finally arrived in Fredrikstad and began visiting the Kvernhuset Junior High School. It was a school built in the sustainable building concept and operated collectively by locals. As the projected date of completion was around June 2002, it was still under construction when we visited. This also gave us a great opportunity to see the construction process of a sustainable building. The edge of the school's external wall was made with local stones and metal webbing. It was refreshing and sensational. Designers carefully designed the building based on local scenes. The school also assigned staff to explain to us some details of the school, including the construction materials, lighting policy, solar boards, terrain conservation, pipeline layout, toilet and sewage treatment. The careful and crafty design of the architect was seen everywhere in the school, and it was impressive.

Resized Image  結束上述行程後,巴士沿著高速公路穿越挪威與瑞典的國界,我們正式告別停留了六天之久的挪威,進入另一個國度,前往位於瑞典的哥德堡(Gothenburg)。
  After these visits, the bus headed toward the Norwegian border with Sweden on the highway, marking our official farewell to Norway, a place where we have stayed for six days. The next stop was Gothenburg, Sweden.

Resized Image  入夜後,考察團一行順利抵達位於哥德堡的生態中心(EcoCentrum),參觀該中心所展示的各種節能設備,解說員並詳盡地說明太陽能板、分類機制與燃料電池等構造與相關課題,雖然舟車勞頓,但考察團員們仍舊打起精神,馬不停蹄地蒐集資料,企望為即將開張的「共生圈一號」提供更多的助益。就在分批享用晚餐後,大家拖著繁重的行李搭車到下榻的Quality Hotel休息。
  When the night fell, we arrived at the Ekocentrum in Gothenburg to visit various energy saving facilities displayed there. The escort explained to us in detail the structure and related issues of different kinds of solar boards, their classifications, and fuel batteries. Though we had traveled a long way, we kept our spirits up to collect information, hoping that it could be useful for the upcoming Symbiosphere 1 Center. After having dinner in groups, we dragged the heavy luggage and took the bus to the Quality Hotel.
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